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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Close Vs. Shut

Close and shut can often be used  with the same meaning
Open your mouth and close/shut your eyes.
I can’t close/shut the window. Can you help me?
The shop closes/shuts at five o’clock.

You can shut, but not close, somebody/something in or out of place.
I shut the letters in my desk drawer and locked it. (not … I closed the letters)
She shut him out of the house.

The past participles closed and shut can be used as adjectives.
The post office is closed/shut on Saturday afternoon.
Shut is not usually used before a noun.
A closed door (not … a shut door)
Closed eyes (not … shut eyes)

Cases where close is preferred
We prefer close for slow movements (like flowers closing at night).
More common in a formal style.
Close your mouth, please. (dentist to patient)
Shut your mouth! (rude way of saying ‘’be quite!”

We close roads, railways etc. (channels of communication). And we close (=end) letters, bank accounts, meetings etc.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Guys …. Anyway I’m gonna share little tips about 2 words that sometimes make us confused “WAIT & AWAIT”. Actually it’s simple right? We just need to add the “A” before “WAIT”. ^_^
So how is it different? Let’s try to find out!!!
Even though the words “wait & await” basically  mean the same thing, but they are absolutely have different in the usage.

     Await is transitive verb that must be followed by object, and sometimes the object that follows the word “AWAIT”  is abstract noun (not person).
I am awaiting your answer.
Gina wasn’t the only one awaiting her arrival
Did you await the signs?
You can’t say:
She was awaiting for me
I am awaiting you now
But if it uses the object as the object of person,  it can be such this form. But mostly it’s added with “will”.
We’re already here and will await you.
“I’ll await him outside,” Faris said.

  Wait is intransitive verb (the verb that doesn’t need an object).
The usages:
1. Wait without the other additional words.
We have been waiting (we have been awaiting)
I waited (I awaited)

2. Followed by infinitive
I waited in queue to buy the cloth
We are waiting to hear from you

3. If it’s followed by an object, use the preposition “For” before an object.
I am waiting for you (I’m awaiting you)
They are waiting for her call. (they are awaiting for her call)
Otherwise, the word “await” doesn’t require a preposition “for”.
We are awaiting his call (we are awaiting for his call)

4. The word “wait” is usually used with duration.
I have been waiting for two hours

Thanks for reading guys. I hope that this lesson can help you. See you next time. ^_^
Don’t forget to leave comment.


Another is one  word.
He’s bought another car. (not…. An other car.)

1.       Another can mean “an additional or extra”. It is used with singular countable nouns. To know more about Countable & Uncountable noun, you can click here!
Could I have another piece of bread?
Another can be used without a noun, or with one, if the meaning is clear from what has come before.

Those cakes are wonderful. Could I have another (one)?

With uncountable and plural nouns, we normally use more, not other with this meaning.
Would you like some more meat? (not ….. another meat)
Would you like some more peas? (not … other peas?)

However, we can use another before a plural noun in expressions with few or a number.
I’m staying for another few weeks.
We need another three chairs.

2.       Alternative
(an)other can also mean ‘(an) alternative’,’beside/ instead of this/these’.
I think we should paint it another color.
Have you got any other cakes, or are these the only ones?

Other people often means ‘people besides one self’.
 Why don’t you think more about other people?

3.       Other and others
When other is used with a noun it has no plural form.
Where are the other photos? (not….others photos?)

But used alone, without a noun, it can have a plural form.
I’ve got one lot of photos. Where are the others?
These are too small. Have you got any others?
Normally, other(s)  is not only used alone if it refers to a noun that has been mentioned before. An exception is the common plural use of (the) others to mean (the) other people.
He never thinks of others.
Jake’s arrived – I must tell the others
(not …. On the phone, one cannot see the other or he never listens to another)
    Not used like an adjective
Other is a determiner or pronoun; it is not used exactly like an adjective. So it cannot normally have an adverb before it, or be used after a link verb.
I’d prefer a completely different color. (not … a completely other color)
You look different with a beard. (not … you look other)

So that was easy right??? ^_^
I hope this tips can help you to get better English.


Countable nouns are the names of separate object, people, ideas etc. which can be counted. We can use numbers and the article a/an with countable nouns; they have plurals.
a cat     a newspaper    three cats         two newspaper

Uncountable (or ‘mass’) nouns are the names of materials, liquids, abstract boundaries, and not as separate objects. We cannot use numbers with uncountable noun, and most are singular with no plurals. We don’t normally use a/an with uncountable nouns, though there are some exceptions.
Water (not … a water, two waters)
Weather (not … a weather, three weathers)
Wool (not … a wool, four wools)

Usually it is easy to see whether a noun is countable or uncountable. Obviously house is normally a countable noun, and sand is not. But it is not always so clear; compare a journey (countable) and travel (uncountable); a glass (countable) and glass (uncountable); vegetables (countable) and fruit (uncountable). The following rules will help, but exactly how a particular noun can be used, it is necessary to check in a good dictionary.

This list is a sample of nouns that are commonly used as Uncountable nouns. Many other nouns can also be used as Countable   nouns.
(a ) whole groups made up of similar items : baggage, clothing, equipment, food , fruit, furniture , garbage, hardware ,
jewelry , junk , luggage, machinery, mail, make up , money /cash /change, postage, scenery, stuff, traffic , etc.
(b) fluids : water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasoline, blood, etc.
(c) solids : ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, glass, paper, wood, cotton, wool, etc.
(d) gases : steam, air, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke, smog, pollution, etc.
(e) particles : rice, chalk, corn, dirt, dust, flour, grass, hair, pepper, salt, sand, sugar, wheat, etc.
( f) abstractions :
— beauty, confidence, courage, education, enjoyment, fun, happiness, health, help, honesty, hospitality,
importance, intelligence, justice, knowledge, laughter, luck, music, patience, peace, pride, progress, recreation,
significance, sleep, truth, violence, wealth, etc.
— advice, information, news, evidence, proof, etc.
— time, space, energy, etc.
— homework, work, etc.
— grammar, slang, vocabulary, etc.
(g) languages : Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, etc.
(h) fields of study : chemistry, engineering, history, literature, mathematics, psychology, etc.
( i) recreation : baseball, soccer, tennis, chess, bridge, poker, etc.
( j) activities : driving, studying, swimming, traveling, walking (and other gerunds)
(k) natural phenomena : weather, dew, fog, hail.

Okay that’s all what I share about Countable and Uncountable noun. See you next time and thanks for reading! ^_^

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Assalamualaiku Wr. Wb.
good morning guys ^_^

Anyway dictionary is our best friend for studying language. When we don't know the meaning or words we can look up in the dictionary.
now I'm gonna share a good dictionary for free guys.

Name : Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: For Advanced Learners, Single-user Version
Author: Pearson Longman 

password : azizenglishclub
download HERE!


assalamulaikum wr. wb.
good afternoon guys!!! ^_^

Do you know Pare guys?
Pare is a small village in East Java - Indonesia, and now becomes a place for studying languages. Including English, Arabic, Mandarin, France, Japanese, and so on.  But anyway we are going to Indonesia next month to study English there. if you want to join us you're welcomed as well. ^_^

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Student Short Movie

    Aziz English Club | Makes us confident!
 Assalalmu Alaikum .... guys.. today we're gonna share our happinness when we're making short movie. anyway we're very tired but also we felt happy and enjoyable, cuz our friends were really so funny when they tried to act outside their character.
   You may check our movie on Youtube:
here is the link guys!
or you may watch directly from this blog! Thanks for watching guys....!!! ^_^


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