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Friday, November 13, 2015

Azizstan English Wall Magazine Competition 2015

 A wall magazine is a periodical run on a notice board, especially in an educational institute where the students and other members of the institution can post their articles, poems, drawings and other such compositions to share with each other. They can be in the form of collage giving message.
 Wall magazines are a medium within the ecucational institutions for the students to express their creativity. and also wall magazine is the cheapest media to create communication in one environment. the wall magazine that is placed in a school, mosque, church, or current university proves that by using such way can make the communication can be simply run.  

 As a teacher, my purpose to create such program is to make the students creative in exploring their ideas. moreover we give some rewards for the winners, and absolutely they will be more spirit to partake in making wall magazine.
 And this competition includes only 6 classes. The  first is 1/5, 1/11, 2/5, 2/3, 4/9,  and the last is 5/9.
 Who will be the First Winner? Let's find out!

About ""

Name : Faris Asyraf Zaini. He was born in Mojokerto - East Java - Indonesia. Motto "Don't Be Affraid To Make Mistake in the Process of Learning!".

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