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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Close Vs. Shut

Close and shut can often be used  with the same meaning
Open your mouth and close/shut your eyes.
I can’t close/shut the window. Can you help me?
The shop closes/shuts at five o’clock.

You can shut, but not close, somebody/something in or out of place.
I shut the letters in my desk drawer and locked it. (not … I closed the letters)
She shut him out of the house.

The past participles closed and shut can be used as adjectives.
The post office is closed/shut on Saturday afternoon.
Shut is not usually used before a noun.
A closed door (not … a shut door)
Closed eyes (not … shut eyes)

Cases where close is preferred
We prefer close for slow movements (like flowers closing at night).
More common in a formal style.
Close your mouth, please. (dentist to patient)
Shut your mouth! (rude way of saying ‘’be quite!”

We close roads, railways etc. (channels of communication). And we close (=end) letters, bank accounts, meetings etc.

About ""

Name : Faris Asyraf Zaini. He was born in Mojokerto - East Java - Indonesia. Motto "Don't Be Affraid To Make Mistake in the Process of Learning!".

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